

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Hybrid initialization residual zero

    • Harshvardhan Singh


      I am trying to perform hybrid initialization in fluent for a thermo-fluid problem but am getting 0 residuals in it. I have been told th meshing could be an issue and so I have tried to reduce the element size in meshes and it still fails and gives 0 residual. Just for context I am using a spinodal geometry which generally is very complicated with many curvatures and things like that, and I had imported it as an stl and then designed a duct around it and as usual provided an volume extract for fluid. 

      Any help is appreciated. 


    • RK
      Ansys Employee


      How is the mesh quality and what are the boundary conditions used? I would suggest to again check the BC values. 

    • Harshvardhan Singh

      I checked and there are some skewed elements which I am trying to correct now.

      On the topic of boundary conditions they're pretty basic, an inlet at 0.001 kg/s (water) and outlet of 0 gauge pressue, and a heat source at the top with 1000 W/m2. The duct is square cross section with 10 inch edge length.

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