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Topics related to Lumerical and more.

HPC Licensing Issue

    • schinta3


      We recently upgraded our license manager to the newest version, and are attempting to deploy Lumeriacl on a remote cluster (Linux) as an Lmod module. I am running into a few issues.

      >The license server does respond to pings, and the port 1055 is open.
      >Any Lumerical app runs fine on any local computer
      > The GUI itself runs remotely on the cluster as well through a vnc, but invoking the fdtd engine through the command line does NOT work.

      The command:
      $singularity exec /data/apps/extern/singularity/lumerical/Lumerical_DID_8.18.1333.sif env | grep ANSYSLMD_

      succesfully gives back the correct IP:Port which is the active license server.

      $singularity exec /data/apps/extern/singularity/lumerical/Lumerical_DID_8.18.1333.sif fdtd-engine-impi-lcl *.fsp


      any advice is appreciated!







    • Lito
      Ansys Employee
      • Which Linux distro and version are you running on the cluster?
      • Which version of Lumerical are you using? 
      • To clarify, you can open and run the Lumerical CAD on the same node/host (login.rockfish.jhu.edu) -- where you are having issues running the simulation.fsp file from? 
      • Or you are opening the Lumerical CAD via VNC on a different node/host on the cluster not on the node (login.rockfish.jhu.edu)? 
    • schinta3



      >Rocky Linux release 8.8 (Green Obsidian)

      >Lumerical 2024 R1.3 

      Right now, we can open and run Lumerical on other laptops/desktops that can access our existing server on the same network. Essentially the above error is thrown when I try to run the fdtd-engine from command line, while this SLURM script with those commands send the job to a compute node, despite having the correct ANSYSLMD environmental variable.

    • Lito
      Ansys Employee

      Is the cluster on the same network as the laptop/desktop and the license server?

      Ensure that the compute nodes can access/connect to the license server on ports used in the license file on the server (default: 1055 & 1056).  

      Are you able to check the license manager status on the server from the compute nodes? 
      >>> How to check license status and availability (from the client machine running Lumerical) 

      Does it show the LM up and running and the available licenses for checkout? 

    • schinta3



      The cluster is on the same network as the other local computers. The compute node can succesfully ping the license server. However Lumerical is in an LMOD module, so I cannot access this command. Is there a way to run through an lmod module?

        • /opt/lumerical/v241/licensingclient/linx64/lmutil lmstat -c 1055@licserver01 -a







    • Lito
      Ansys Employee


      which fdtd-solutions 
      cat ~/.config/Lumerical/License.ini 
      env | grep ANSYS
      • **Do not run from the Lumerical CAD/GUI.
      • Please send the submission script you are using to submit/run the simulation.fsp file on your cluster. 
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