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How to use autodyn on linux system

    • rahulb

      I have a windows computer. I have modeled an impact problem in autodyn on my computer. How can I run this model in linux server.

      Can someone tell me step by step procedure on how to run on Linux server?

    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      I would suggest you use remote solve manager, to submit jobs directly to the remote Linux machine. You may check ANSYS help on how to set up remote solve manager.

    • rahulb

      thank you,

      But I am looking on how to use terminal and run a autodyn model created on windows on Linux machine

    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      If you right click "open solver files directory", you can see file admodel_##.ad file. 

      You can copy these files to the Linux machine, and run from command lines.


      You may refer to here for command to run Autodyn in Batch Mode on Linux Platforms.


      The arguments to the script control which model is executed: (assuming you are using ANSYS 2019 R3.

      autodyn195 –I {ident-name} –C {cycle-number} 

      The C(ycle) argument is not required, and will default to cycle zero if not present. 


      Putting a file named endbat.dat in the running directory will cause a simulation to stop at the end of the current cycle. Once stopped, Autodyn will delete the endbat.dat file. 


    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      You can run explicit model in WB for one cycle to get these files. admodel0.ad

    • rahulb

    • rahulb

      I am unable to access the file you are directing to refer ..


    • rahulb

      the terminal is stating 

       Running Ident:{admodel_0}

           from Cycle:           0


      Ident {admodel_0} not found   

    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      You need to log in to access the help.

      autodyn195 –I admodel -C 0


      Is this the command you are using?

    • rahulb

      it gave a message run successfully completed. how do I access the solution file? how to post-process that file back in the windows machine.


    • Missy Ji
      Ansys Employee

      If you are using Autodyn, you may copy the results back to windows, and post-process.


      If you are using Workbench GUI, copy the file back to Windows, you need to edit the following file:

      C:Program filesANSYS Incv150aisolDesignSpaceDSPagesxmldstopmenu.xml


      Find the section:


      and remove the line with the call back to CanReadAnsysResultFile:


      now save the file.


      This is a slight hack so I would also take a copy of the original dstopmenu.xml file just in case.

      And then you can read results back from menu, solutions, tools, read result files.

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