LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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How to solve error “Too large coordination number”?

    • Mohammad Ashikur Rahman

      Greetings. I am pursuing a Masters in Geotechnics. For my research, I am trying to model a rock mass for blast operation. When I run the model it starts smoothly. Initially, the estimated time required to complete the analysis appears to be 8 hours. Then it starts to increase. After one hour it reaches to 1day and 21 hours. And suddenly it terminates the analysis and shows the following error:

      Error 41236 (SOL+1236)

      Too large coordination number

      I humbly expect your guidance to solve this issue. Your kind cooperation will be highly appreciated. Thank you for your valuable time.

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      This error occurs if the number of neighboring particles is greater than MAXNEI in CONTROL_DISCRETE_ELEMENT. One way this can happen is if the DES contact stiffness is too weak.

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