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how to solve error (reading deck 18)in ansys aqwa?


    • nhanani4

      I do ansys aqwa and get this error (reading deck 18). I see in the manual it said printing option error. What is the printing error and how can I solve it? For my research, I want to get the force action at the connector connecting a modular floating structure.

    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee


      Please check the Aqwa input .dat file - you can find this in the project files directory, under [ProjectName]_files\dp0\AQW-1\AQW\AQ\Analysis\TimeResponse.dat (the path may differ slightly, but you are looking for the .dat file). Near the bottom of the file you will find some input like:

      *********************************** DECK 18 ************************************
            PPRV    1
            GREV    1
            PREV    1
            TPRV    1
            TGRV    1

      Please reply to this message with a screenshot of your file's contents, in particular the entries for PPRV, GREV etc.

      Please also reply with the Time Step and Output Step that you have defined in the Hydrodynamic Response Analysis Settings.


    • nhanani4

      this is the aqwa input time response.dat file

      This is my time step that I used..How to know the suitable time step and output step in ansys aqwa? There are some calculations that I applied by the formula.

      time step size = CFC (courant number) x L (smallest charaterictic length in model x c (wave speed in the medium

      This is my simple model.Three floating rectangular bodies and connected by cable connectors.The wave detail is like the picture.


    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee


      You just need to reduce the Output Step value. This is the time interval between data points in the results file, so for any meaningful output, you will need to set this to (for example) 0.1 sec.

      In the Messages window you should find a warning that the Output Step interval is too large. The message suggests that the interval will be correctly automatically, but it seems like this hasn't actually happened in your case. I will try to get this fixed for the next release.

      Otherwise, your project configuration looks good to me. Please let me know if you run into any other problems.


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