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How to simulte litz wire in Q3D of maxwell(eddy current)

    • chenyifu

      I am using Q3D in ANSYSEM to calculate the inductance and ESR of my coil in wireless power transfer system. This is the coil I am using. Now I want to replace the wire I am using with litz wire and explore the influence of proximity and skin effect on ESR but I don't know how to draw litz wire.

      I drew the coil with Draw>User Defined Primitive>SegmentedHelix>PolygonHelix

    • Mark Christini
      Ansys Employee

      Litz wire cannot be simulated in Q3D. 

      In Maxwell 2D/3D 2019R3, you will be able to solve with Litz wire in the transient solver only.  Litz wire in the 2D/3D Maxwell Eddy Current solvers is planned for 2020R1.

    • chenyifu

      I noticed in the menu, there is an item called PEmag and I found Litz wire in there. Can I use that to simulate Litz wire? If yes, how can I do that.


      Litz wire cannot be simulated in Q3D. 

      In Maxwell 2D/3D 2019R3, you will be able to solve with Litz wire in the transient solver only.  Litz wire in the 2D/3D Maxwell Eddy Current solvers is planned for 2020R1.


    • byjuncal

      Hi mchristi,

      Could you detail more how Litz wire can be used? 

      I know you can select the material composition as Litz wire. After that, all the setup is exactly the same taht for a solid wire? The current distribution on the wire will be show?


    • ramadhanmh
      Hi mchristi,nCan you explain how the Litz wire is modeled in Maxwell? I mean I know how to use it and how to run the simulation, but I don't know how Ansys modeled a simple copper conductor as Litz wire.nIs it modeled using equivalent complex permeability as described here https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=4802255?nThanksn
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