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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How to simulate this example in ansys??

    • Shaimaa
    • Rahul Kumar
      Ansys Employee
      Hello, nYou can patch the values in the cavity after initialization. n
    • Shaimaa
      Thanks a lot for you helpingnHow can I do this ,can you illustrate by images if it is applicablen
    • Shaimaa
      Thanks a lot nI can able now to patch the values thanks.n
    • Shaimaa
      Thanks in advance I have another question for this simulation. I want to know if I simulate my application in the right way or not .My project schematic is attached .nI first apply one way coupling between the structural and the fluid to import the effect of the flow of air inside the structural. The second coupling is between C (fluid)and B (transient structural ) is two way coupling as the displacement in the structural as a result from flow of air and the fluid pressure( fluid cavity) interact with each other.nRegards,nShaimaa
    • Shaimaa
      Good evening ,nDear rahkumar,nUnfortunately ,when I'm try to patch the pressure value it is not activated to set the value. as shown in the below image.nn
    • Karthik Remella
      Do you have separate fluid cell zones for air and water? Or are you creating a cell register which you wish to patch?nThanks.nKarthikn
    • Shaimaa
      Yes,I created a separate fluid cell zones.n
    • Karthik Remella
      From your screenshot above, it seems like you have a single cell zone 'Solid'. Could you double check and see if you have two cell zones in your simulation? Could you please also share a screenshot do we can understand it better?nThank you.nKarthikn
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