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how to set inner loop and outer loop frequency in simplorer?

    • denny9696
    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      For the questions, could you clarify what the frequencies are for? It seems to me that 10kHz is for switching frequency of PWM, and 1kHz is for fundamental frequency of current.
      If Yes, 10kHz would be entered in SVPWM block and 1kHz need to be converted to speed reference in const2, rpm = 120*f/2p. Thanks.
    • denny9696

      i wanna like dsp (Digital Signal Processor)
      set current loop(inner loop) 10k hz which i can use SVPWM block
      but the speed loop(out loop) set 1khz
      sorry i don't understand you mean set const2
      must to set pi controller sampling time?

    • Meroz
      i am trying to build my pmsm model with foc closed loop. thus, i would like to know how did you manage to get flux_d and flux_q outputs from your maxwell model. does the term dcp_q stand for the compensation term? if so how can we have our Lq from maxwell.

    • denny9696
      i use flux estimator to find flux dq then dot speed or u can set the LUT
      u can write c-model code build of them
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