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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

How to select only one side of complex geometry using box in Mechanical?


    • snipesc

      This is a hyoid apparatus from a bat. I need to create a named selection which will require me to select all the faces I have circled in the photo below. However when I use the box select, it selects the faces on the other side of the hyoid body, too. I only want the faces which are facing me in the photo. Hope that makes sense. I started to select each individual faces, but it would take hours. There has to be an easier way! Anyone?

    • snipesc
      Finally got a model to mesh! n
    • Mikhail Narsai
      Did you ever find a way to perform this one-sided box selection?
    • peteroznewman

      Mikhail, if you double click on one facet, a selection of adjacent facets are automatically selected and a slider bar pops up. Grab the bar on the slider and pull it up to increase the number of facets that are selected. The boundary is automatically selected based on the angle between facets.

    • Mikhail Narsai
      Thank you!!
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