July 16, 2024 at 12:45 amasceduardoSubscriber
I am investigating the dynamical behaviour of a beam using Transient Structural analysis. In my study, I need to prescribe specific displacements for dozens of nodes simultaneously. Prescribing displacements node per node would require too much time and effort, and a named selections give the same displacements for all nodes at once. Instead, I would like to create something like this:
Node | Displacement
001: 0.00
002: 0.01
003: 0.03
010: 0.01
100: 0.02
(etc)Does anyone know how can I create a set of displacements like this? Thanks in advance.
July 16, 2024 at 2:29 pmAshish KhemkaForum Moderator
You can use External Data module to import the data from an excel or other text file into Transient Structural Analysis.
Ashish Khemka
July 16, 2024 at 3:51 pmdloomanAnsys Employee
It might be possible if you have a value for each node in the named selection in a two column text file of node and values separated by a space or comma. DLIST can be used afterward to check if it worked. Mid-side nodes might interfere with this process.
*dim,d_vals,table,100,,,node     ! For 100 valuesÂ
*tread,d_vals(1),filename,txt     ! read node and displacement values from file
July 25, 2024 at 6:15 pmasceduardoSubscriber
Thank you. I have successfully imported external data from Excel (".csv") into my model following the instructions you gave me. However, for some reason Ansys will only accept static forces/displacements. To perform dynamical simulations, data must be dependent of time:
X-Coordinate | Displacement
0.00 | 0.000
0.01 | 0.001*sin(time)
0.02 | 0.003*sin(time)
(etc)Typing "sin(time)" works for displacements/forces defined inside Ansys, but it does not work for external data. Do you know how can I solve that?
July 25, 2024 at 7:28 pmdloomanAnsys Employee
If you want the displacements to be interpreted as sinusoidal do a harmonic analysis:
harf,value    ! frequency of sinusoid in hz
July 25, 2024 at 7:44 pmasceduardoSubscriber
Is there any form of doing that in Transient Analysis? I think Harmonic Analysis does not fit my objetive because I would like to include any functions of time and not only sinusoidal ones.
July 25, 2024 at 7:52 pmdloomanAnsys Employee
Probably not. How many cycles do you need to run? Â
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