General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How to predict sound pressure level and structural velocity with ansys

    • Ochuko Ologe

      Good day everyone. How can I use ansys mechanical to predict soud pressure level and structural mobility (velocity) in a rectangular cavity. I have analytical results for coupled and uncoupled acoustic impedance, coupled and uncoupled structural mobility, acoustic and structural mode shape of the system, strong and weak coupling of the structural vibration mobilily and acoustic pressure responses. However, I do not know how to validate these results with Ansys mechanical. Could anyone give me a guide please.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      In principle you can do what you describe :

      Search the internet for some tutorials:

      One way/no strong coupling:

      Two way Coupled / so fully coupled vibroacoustics (submerged plate in heavy fluid):

      If you search you can find more tutorials.

      All the best



    • Ochuko Ologe

      Thanks so much.

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