

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

How to mesh a Perforated Cyclinder for Structural Analysis

    • Aytug PARLAKTAS


      I would like to generate a mesh for such geometry below. I know that its hard to generate structured mesh for this but at least, how can I improve mesh quality ? Which methods can be used for this ? 



    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      If it is uniform thickness, you can import the inner surface(as surface body) into Mechanical. Create a surface mesh. Then use Pull extrude to create the solid mesh from the surface mesh


      Surface body is suppressed after creating the extruded solid mesh



      Consider setting quality check to No in details of meshing if the aspect ratio is high. SInce the geometry has high aspect ratio, the resulting mesh might have that as well.


      Or consider using a shell mesh and define thickness as a property

    • Aytug PARLAKTAS

      Thank you so much I will try it

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