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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How to make a zone follows the motion of system coupling?


    • Audy Maulizar

      Dear all, 

      I am currently working on a two way FSI analysis model that replicates a bridge deck section model being tested inside a wind tunnel. For that purpose I have created a fluid domain with zone division as shown in the picture below. I am planning to apply System Coupling to the Deck Zone in order to transfer forces as input to the mechanical model in the Transient Structural analysis block. However, I also want to preserve the mesh around the faces of the Deck Zone by having the Rigid Body Zone moves together with the Deck Zone as a rigid body. I have tried assigning "rigid body" status to the Rigid Body Zone in the Dynamic Meshing, however the option box says that I need to specify Motion UDF/Profile. Is it possible to configure the surrounding zone so that it moves together with the deck as a rigid body?

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Audy, 

      The short answer is no. When doing 2-way FSI, fluent will pass forces to the structural solver, which will pass back displacements to Fluent. This is done on each cell face in the system coupling interface. Hence, I am not sure which displacement exactly you would want to apply on the Rigid Body zone.

      Is there a reason why you want to preserve the zone around the Deck Zone as a rigid body? 

      As you have stated, the Rigid Body Zone is meant to assign a prescribed motion to an entire cell zone.

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