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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

how to input two values of the density in fluent

    • omar.ennaya

      Hello everyone

      I have a problem on how to enter two values of the material density and to fix the boussinesq option in the same time.

      I utilised the boussinesq option and choose the oprating density at Tm but when i verify the variation of the density with time i found it still constant.

      I should enter the density value of the solid phase and the liquid.

      please help with this, i'm stuck.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You can't. A fluid density can be set using the Bousinesq option, and that's covered in the User's Guide. However, the solidification/melting model doesn't have an option to change the fluid density when it freezes; that's done via the material property, which then prevents you using the Bousinesq option. 

    • omar.ennaya

      Yes this is what i thought, it's just my supervisor he insiste that should make it cuz it's possible.thank you for the feedback.

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