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How to improve the response speed of FDTD graphical interface


    • Coulson Jiang

      I'm designing a kind of metasurface at millimeter scale, and after I set up the related structure group through script, it responses so slow when i edite  properties or enlarge graphs. The problem is clearly related to the increasing number of unit cells. What can I do to improve this situation, and is it related to my computer's CPU and memory?

    • Dimitris Polyzos
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Coulson, 

      Thanks for contacting us. I can understand your issue but this is something expected when you want to simulate large scale objects, such as your metasurface model. As you mention, the millimeter scale is quite large to simulate it, and it  will definitely need a large CPU capacity to run. I would suggest to decrease the mesh, but for a large scale model that would affect the accuracy of your results. Also, to decrease the simulation capacity and time you can take advantage of the period/symmetric BCs options. Some metamaterials-metasurface application examples can be found in the following link, where you can pump some ideas:

      On the other hand, if there is a need to simulate a millimeter scale then you can use the multiple High performance Computing resources. More information in the following links:




      I hope I helped. Kind regards


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