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How to get transient plot of particle distribution across the length of outlet?

    • pmjsjs

      Hi all,

      I'm running a 2D transient axisymmetric DPM simulation. I need to obtain a transient plot of the particle distribution along the length of the outlet. I need to understand how the particles are distributed across the length of the outlet over the period of the entire simulation so am trying to obtain this plot.

      While plotting XY plot, I am able to obtain the particle distribution across the length of the outlet for the particular timestep(timestep present in the data file). But not for the entire period of simulation. And also saving data files for every timestep consumes a lot of time in running the simulation. and post-processing those large files are computationally intensive. So I'm trying to obtain the XY plot. The Image below is my expected plot. Please suggest the best way to go about it.

      Thanks in advance!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      If you create the xy plot as part of the set up and write the result to a file you can tell Fluent to save the plot data every few time steps. You may need an execute commands function to do this, it'll be something like
      as a starting point.
    • pmjsjs
      Thanks Rob for the response.
      I have tried to plot the DPM concentration using commands. Unfortunately, I think I have went wrong somewhere. Please advice where to correct.
      I used the command - plot plot xyplot n n n dpm-concentration y 0 1 6. Where xyplot is the name and 6 is the ID for outlet.
      I'm also presenting the image from the console for the TUI which I later put in the execute command.
      Finally, when the calculation is in process there are yes or no request as seen in the image below. This keeps repeating for every timestep. please advice how to bypass those requests.

      Thanks in advance!!

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      /plot/plot xyplot n n n dpm-concentration y 0 1 6 ()
      If you've not returned the TUI to the root level menu it'll try and execute the command from whichever menu you were in. The () open & closed brackets terminates the surface list.
    • pmjsjs
      Thanks Rob for the advice,
      I tried the above command /plot/plotxyplot n n n dpm-concentration y 0 1 6 ()
      But unfortunately there is no plot coming up. Also, there is an error 'unbound variable', for which I have attached image below. Please advice where I went wrong.

      Thanks in advance!!
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Have a look in the TUI to see what question the solver is asking, you may find it's trying to overwrite something? If so it's going to be a bit more complicated to save the file.
    • pmjsjs
      Hi Rob,
      Can you elaborate little bit on what you said. Can't get exactly what you mean.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The solver is asking for a yes or no response so something in the command hasn't worked. That could just be a missing yes/no or it could be a message asking to overwrite the earlier file.
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