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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

how to get time averaged contours in CFD Post?

    • tayyaba.bano


      I am working with 2-way coupled FSI simulations using ANSYS WORKBENCH. I need to averaged the velocity and vorticity contours over the number of time steps. Is it possible in Fluent or CFD Post?

      Kind Regards

      Tayyaba Bano

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you turned on the time averaging in Fluent, then you can post process those values in Fluent. Getting those to CFD Post may be possible with UDMs and some careful use of Custom Field Functions. 

    • tayyaba.bano

      How to turn on the time averaging in Fluent? I could not be able to find that option. 



    • tayyaba.bano

      or is it possible after completion of simulations? or one should only do it before running that?


      Kind regrads

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Look in the Iterate panel, you should see an option for Unsteady Statistics. This needs setting before running to save the data. 

    • tayyaba.bano

      Thank you very much for your kind reply, I got that in data sampling for time statistics

      I have altrady run my simulations for 8 sec by taking time step size of 0.001sec but initially I did not save my data at each interval (it was taking too much space). Now if I run my simulations further (by data sampling) then the averaging I have would be after 8 sec or from the initial time step?, also there is an option of sampling interval there. I am not sure if it is same like the interval to save  data files.




    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Sampling is for as long as you save the data, so in your case it'll start at 8s.  Note, the sampling is one extra data field per value, you're not saving any extra data files: just checking you were making a distinction between the two. Ie data files will be bigger but you don't generate extra data files. 

    • tayyaba.bano

      Thank you very much for your kind response.

    • tayyaba.bano

      I have averaged from 8-9 sec but again i didnot save all the time steps. Now im not sure that this average is between only data at 8 sec and at 9sec (two time steps)  or all the 1000 time steps in between? I set sampling interval as 1 and now I can see the time sampled is 0.9999sec , does it really it means that it averaged over all the time steps bw 8-9sec?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Time sampling has been done (assuming I'm understanding your post) for one second, so between 8 and 9s.  You have data files at 8s and 9s. The one at 9s will contain the time averaged values for 8-9s. 


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