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How to get a motor performance with repect to Id/ Iq motor control.

    • min el


      I am just beginner in Rmxpert motor design and Maxwell analysis...


      I have two question. 

       - How to set up in maxwell to get motor performance with respect to id/ iq control. (I have no idea how to set up)

       - Can I have some tutorial for IPMSM Motor analysis set up in Maxwell without Rmxpert motor design. 

          --> Direct converting from CAD like CATIA and solution set up and analysis process


      Thanks for support in advance.

      Best regards. 

    • MirandaH
      Ansys Employee

      To enhance your understanding of Ansys Maxwell's capabilities, the Ansys Maxwell Advanced Motor Training course is designed for simulating electrical machines in Maxwell.

       - How to set up in maxwell to get motor performance with respect to id/ iq control. (I have no idea how to set up)

      You will need to use external circuit like Simplorer to archieve the id/iq control.

       - Can I have some tutorial for IPMSM Motor analysis set up in Maxwell without Rmxpert motor design. 

          --> Direct converting from CAD like CATIA and solution set up and analysis process

      Yes, you can do everything is Maxwell without RMxprt. 

    • min el

      Hello... Can I have some training material in this web site for maxwell usage and Simplorer... Thanks in advanced...

      • MirandaH
        Ansys Employee

        Yes, Ansys Learning Hub has training materials: https://www.ansys.com/services/ansys-learning-hub

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