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How to find the maximum value of the electric field in a certain range

    • cchy870919

      I am using calculator to calculate the maximum electric field value, the formula uses Maximum(Surface(Region), Mag()), but this is considering the overall electric field, I want the maximum electric field in a certain range. How to do this? thanks

    • Gia
      Ansys Employee

      Can you explain in more detail what you mean by 'overall electric field' and 'maximum electric field in a certain range'?

    • crowd9846

      For example, for a box, us maximum(Surface(Region), Mag() * ((x >= 0) && (x <= 10) && ...))

    • Gia
      Ansys Employee

      First, define a box object that covers your search area. - Next, intersect or subtract it from the larger object, and then re-solve the model.

      Then you can simply use the expression maximum(Surface(New_Object), Mag_E)

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