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How to evaluate accumulated equivalent creep strain in ANSYS Workbench

    • Chika400


      How can I evaluate the accumulated equivalent creep strain in ANSYS Workbench Static-Structural?

      Are there APDL commands for this?

    • Chika400
      Please, can someone post the result to this because I need it urgently for my work?
    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee
      As far as I am aware, there is no option as far as I can see to plot or obtain accumulated creep strain, only plastic strain.

      All the best

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    • Chika400
      Hello Erik Thank you for your response.
      A paper I consulted stated that I can get the accumulated strain using the SEND CREEP APDL command NLCREQ in Ansys.
      Please, is there a way I can get this script?
    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      Yes, I just saw that also in the help manual (say for the solid186 or 187 you are using).

      Yes you should be able to get that perhaps with APDL commands see-
      the ESOL and ETABLE commands.

      All the best

    • Chika400
      Hello Erik Thank you for your this information.
      I have checked the ESOL- General Item and Component Labels in Table 124 and I see that the NL:CREQ and SEND:CREEP items and components are what I need.
      However, I am using Workbench and I am very new to APDL scripting. Please, Could you direct me on how to get the script so I can use it in Workbench?
      Thanks Erik,
    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      If you search the forum and the internet the will be examples on that.
      e.g. For workbench see also the tech demo example 35 where they plot the accumulated strain I believe.

      thank you

    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee
      Try inserting a 'User Defined Result' under Solution Branch with the Expression "NLCREQ".
      This would be consistent with the results available for SOLID185 elements via the PLESOL or PRESOL commands

    • Chika400
      Hello jjdoyle Thank you very much for your answer. The problem has been solved!
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