3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

How to derive the geometry from fluid-structure interaction results

    • jil260

      how to export the geometry in the picture?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you export an stl of the surface? One issue is whether the student licence can deal with the number of facets. 

    • jil260

      yes, I can obtain the surface. But how to create a volume. Otherwise, I cannot do the boolean operation.

    • peteroznewman

      Use SpaceClaim to open the STL file. It will be a facet body and there are no limits on how many facets.  If you are on a full license (not the Student license) you can convert the STL to a Solid by simply RMB on the facet body and a menu pops up.  The problem for the Student license is that each facet becomes a face and there is a 300 face limit on the Student license.

    • jil260

      why did the geometry shrink? The former cylinder was 10meters but this one is 253mm. I have already changed the units to metric in spaceclaim.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you check the spacing in Mech is it 10m exactly? 253mm suggests it's converted to inches somehow but retained metric dimensions? 

    • jil260

      It's still 254mm in Mech. But if I import the stl file in design modeler the scales are correct. The only problem is I cannot do the boolean operation.

      Looking forward to your reply.  

    • peteroznewman

      If you import an STL file into SpaceClaim, you can RMB on the Facet Body and Convert to Solid.  Then you can use the Design tool to Scale the solid body up to the correct dimension.  Since it is a solid, you can subtract it from another solid.

    • jil260

      What's RMB stand for? I selected all facets and covert to solid(merge facets).

    • peteroznewman

      Right Mouse Button (RMB) pops up the menu to Convert to Solid.

    • jil260

      Thank both of you! Problem solved.

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