General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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how to define roller and hinge support on Ansys ?


    • morlor

      I'm trying to replicate the condition of model that have both a Hinge and a roller support, I'm having issues trying to find the equivalent in Ansys. I'm attaching both the model I want to emulate and the model I'm doing in Ansys thank you so much

    • peteroznewman
      nThe equivalent in ANSYS is Remote Displacement. It can be a roller or a hinge depending on which DOF you leave free. If all displacements are set to zero and two of the three rotations are set to zero, that will be a hinge around the one axis that had the rotation left Free.nIf one displacement is left Free, that is a roller.nA Remote Displacement can have a Behavior or Rigid or Deformable. If you want the section to remain circular, then you would choose Rigid.n
    • morlor
      peteroznewman Thank you so much for answering, did I choose the right axis in the Remote Displaments according to the axis on the model? , I'm new to this kinda of software nn
    • peteroznewman
      nRoller wants to have Y displacement Free. X and Z displacement set to 0.0 The roller wants Rotation X Free, The other two rotations set to 0.0nHinge wants all displacement set to 0.0 The hinge wants Rotation X Free, The other two rotations set to 0.0n
    • morlor
      peteroznewman thank you I'm gonna change the values and check how the model behaves n
    • Subhankar Chakraborty

      Thank You for your guidance .

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