

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How to create a plane boundary to hold back particle of a kind.


    • patrick.steiner

      Hello I try to model a (partly) particle filled pipe and with a coupled cfd flush it with water and smaller particles. The target is see the clogging of the coaser particles and its influcence to the fluid flow. There is a similar video on the web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHEWGA_omUw)   I check the all the tutorials and also the 2way coupling is working. But I'm really struggling with the plate or boundary which fixes the filter particle in the tube. I found a older written tutorial where is say the is an option to set a plane as obstacle, but I cant find anything like this. Could someone explain to me how they did the trick in this video?

      Cheers Paddy

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If it's coupled just set the grate as a porous jump in Fluent and wall in Rocky. 

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