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How to create a line using Select Points with Mouse in Fluent?


    • DivyajyotiBasu
      Hi, I am currently carrying a 2-D simulation in Fluent where I need to plot the temperature distribution over a line. I tried to create a line in Fluent window using New Surface-->Line/Rake. Since I am not aware of the coordinates of the end points in the mesh I tried to use the Select Points with Mouse feature and its asking me to select two points with MOUSE-PROBE in the graphics window. As I right click( mouse probe in my case) in the mesh on the second end point the first end point selected disappears and neither is there any change in the initial x-y coordinates values of the end points whenever I select any point in the mesh using mouse probe. Instead of this, a way to know the coordinate of any point in the mesh would also do. I greatly appreciate any help on this. nThanks in Advance, Cheers!!n
    • Karthik Remella
      Try using the scale to estimate the coordinates. nYou can also try to create iso-surfaces and select 'Mesh', X or Y Coordinate. You should be able to find the coordinates this way.nI hope this helps.nThanks.nKarthikn
    • DivyajyotiBasu
      Thanks for the response. I had to resort to checking the scales of my model and calculating the line coordinates. Can please you suggest any source from where I can learn the Select Points with Mouse feature? I think it may come very handy to me in future. I tried reading the ANSYS User Manual for it but could not understand it well.n
    • Karthik Remella
      When you right click twice, do you see the coordinates register in the line creation panel?nThanks.nKarthikn
    • DivyajyotiBasu
      No, there is no change in the initial end-point coordinates after clicking twice or once with mouse probe (right mouse button in my case) in any mesh points. nI followed these successive steps: General-->Display-->New Surface-->Line/Rake-->Select Points with MousenAfter clicking on the Select Points with Mouse feature a 'Working' titled window appears which tells me to select two points in the graphics window with Mouse-Probe button.nI cancel the window and go on to select a point with mouse probe in the mesh but no change occurs in any initial end point coordinates in the Line/Rake Surface window and then as I mouse probe on a second point the selected first point disappears and no changes take place in the coordinate values.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Don't cancel the pop-up, click on Select points with mouse then right click on the surface where you want the points. Cancelling nturns off the picker. It's a fail safe in case you can't pick for some reason (ie the graphics window doesn't have anything showing). n
    • DivyajyotiBasu
      Thanks Rob, that totally solved my problem after being stuck with it for days. Cheers!! n
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