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How to combine two materials and create a new material in Ansys Workbench.

    • Neeraj K S

      Please consider the following situation.
      I have created two materials namely X and Y. I want to create a new material from these two material in which the material X contributes 40% and the material Y contributes to the 60% for the new material created.
      In other words, X(40%)+Y(60%) = Z.
      Is this possible, please help me out if so.


      Thank You.

    • Aniket
      Forum Moderator

      There are a couple of ways of doing this.

      You can either use Material Combination:


      or you  can use the Material Designer for detailed material combinations based on microstructure:



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    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, if you have an access to Granta EduPack or Granta Selector, you can might use the Synthesizer tool to combine different materials. See this lecture unit about this topic: https://www.ansys.com/academic/educators/education-resources/lecture-unit-the-synthesizer-tool. Using rules of mixtures, it is possible to generate new hybrid materials and then to export their properties into Ansys workbench for example using Export function. Here a tutorial on Youtube:

      About Material Designer, I advise you to watch this webinar: https://www.ansys.com/blog/how-to-simulate-microstructures-composites


    • Md Aasef Azhar Khan

      Is material combination feature available in Ansys R19.2 ?


    • Omkar Karanjkar

      I am designing a sandwich composite and subjecting it to a thermal condition of 35 degree C. How do I get coeficient of thermal expansion in the results? or Do I need to calculate it using the change in volume?


    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, coefficients of thermal expansion are computed when you run calculations into Material Designer. For sandwich composite, you have to make a user defined RVE.

    • Omkar Karanjkar

      If I have to add a material as a shell element, i.e it shouldn't be considered as a solid but only shell within the sandwich in the middle part, how do I do it?

    • Omkar Karanjkar



      How do i add a corrugated structure in the middle part as per shown in the below image? The top and bottom would be of same material and for the middle part I want to add the corrugated structure as shown in the below given image



    • Shafahat

      Hi, did you got any answer for this, i am trying to do somethig simialar but cannot find anything.

    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee

      A solution could be to script it using pyAnsys libraries, like this one: https://mapdl.docs.pyansys.com/version/0.64/

    • Shafahat

      Did you get the way how to combine two different materials? 

    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee

      You can use pyAnsys to script a parametric geometry or you use SpaceClaim/Discovery to design your RVE, then you use MaterialDesigner in Workbench to perform homogenization studies:


      • Shafahat

        Thanks for the response.

        I went through this document but I have some doubts. I want one body to be homogenously combined with two materials such as iron 60% and 40% aluminum.

        i am not sure we can define material in this way.

        thanks for the resposne 

    • David Mercier
      Ansys Employee
      • Shafahat

        Thanks for the response.

        But I am looking for something different. Its a blend of two different material.


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