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How to change the size a Plane Wave Source

    • Chuan Zhong

      Dear Staff Member at Ansys Lumerical FDTD,

      Can anyone help to change the size of a Plane Wave Source, I found it width of the source is always 2 times of my simulation domain. Just wonder if this number is set by default? How can I make a Plane Wave Source is smaller than a simulation size, thank you.

      Best wishes


    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Chuan,

      The "Bloch/periodic" type of plane wave is used to represent a pure plane wave, as a result the solver has been designed to extend it through the entire simulation span. 

      If you want to use a plane-wave of finite-size, you can use the "Diffracting" Type plane wave. The diffracting type plane wave is equivalent to plane waves passing through a rectangular aperture with the same size as the source span. It can also be used with PML boundaries but it will diffract.


    • Chuan Zhong

      Hi Amrita,

      It helps, thank you so much.

      Best wishes


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