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How to change Default Parameters/Values in CFD-Post

    • admin
      Ansys Employee

      The user can change default values in CFD-Post, to make easier the way to use it. For example, changing the Default Number of Contours from 11 to 20, or changing the Default Range choice from Global to Local. These default choices can be change in the file below: [PATH]ANSYS IncvAAACFD-PostetcCFXPostRules.ccl With -[PATH]: path where Ansys Tools are installed -vAAA: number of the Ansys Version (for example v150, v160, etc) It is recommended to always keep the original file, renaming it as CFXPostRules_old.ccl. Any value in the file CFXPostRules.ccl can be changed, editing the file in a Text Editor (for example Notepad++). A search by keywords is helpful. For example: Legend Values Format: PARAMETER: Legend Format Parameter Type = String Local Type = colour Default = %3.0f # instead of %10.3e to change as Fixed and 0 decimal Description = Parameter to modify string format of values on legend. END Number of Contours: PARAMETER: Number of Contours Parameter Type = Integer Local Type = colour Default = 20 # instead of default 11 Description = Specifies number of contour lines in a contour plot. END It is necessary to save the file changes, and to re-open CFD-Post to update it.

    • admin
      Ansys Employee

      How to change Default Parameters/Values in CFD-Post

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