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How to calculate the Transmission coefficients in FDTD for RCP or LCP incidence?

    • ph23resch01002

      I am reproducing the results of the paper titled "All-dielectric planar chiral metasurface with gradient geometric phase", In this paper, they are shining the RCP & LCP light in the backward direction from Air to Substrate on the unit cell, and they are getting the following graph. I have attached the unit cell and the transmission graph too! I am using the s_parameter analysis group to do this study! I have added one more source to the S_parameter analysis group with a polarization angle of 90 degrees and a phase of -90 degrees. I have seen the Transmission from the Transmission monitor (T) placed within the Analysis group. The results I got do not match the Author's results. This is one way I tried, the other way is, I used the S_Polarization results, after simulating the unit cell with x and y polarised light separately and then using some steps in the script (also attached to the discussion) I got a plot. The plot I got still did not match the one in the paper. Can anyone help me with this? 

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      First, you have the script to calculate the transmission/reflection of RCP and LCP.

      Second, from your screenshot, I can see that the substrate is not extended to the outside of the boundaries: bottom should be outside of PML, and sides should be outside of periodic boundaries.

      Make sure the incdent polarization is what the reference used. There are some confusions in the literature and textbooks regarding to the handedness of a circular polarization. Please refer to my short paper at Photonics West 2024: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2691788

      You may also refer to this post to check more: 

      Ansys Insight: Why my simulation result is different from published paper or experiment?

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