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how to calculate the position of the solid-liquid interface in ansys?

    • omar.ennaya

      hello everyone

      i'm wondering how to determine the solid-liquid interface postion in ansys fluent.

      i'll be greatful for your assistance.

      thanks in advance.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You should be able to create an isosurface of volume fraction (or similar) and then report on that. 

      • omar.ennaya

        Thank you for your feedback

        My problem is 2D.Is it possible to create isosurface in this case.

        In fact i want to plot the position of the solid-liquid interface with time.

        I'm working on a melting/solidification problem.

        thank you so much for your assistance sir.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, you'll get a line. Plotting x v y on the line or x v custom function in a Plot will give you the position. 

      • omar.ennaya

        The problem is that the isosurface icone is hided in fluent i think because i'm working on 2D.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      No, it's still there. Have you initialised the solution? 

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