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Topics related to Lumerical and more.

How to calculate S parameter for Circular polarized source in Floquet ports

    • sornakumarrr
      Hello I am learning how to use HFSS and am trying to replicate a metasurface. The metasurface is designed for circular polarization so I am using floquet ports to simulate a unit cell. I turned on TE mode and also TM mode but with 90 degree phase in edit sources so that it would create a circularly polarized mode. Where I am having trouble is how to read the s parameters for the circularly polarized mode?
    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Hi This is Photonics forum. Please submit your question to HFSS forum https://innovationspace.ansys.com/forum/forums/topic-tag/ansys-hfss/

      In Lumerical FDTD, once you use ports you can automatically get S parameters. However currently the port does not use circular polarization source. You will need to do two simulaitons and combine the S results, if you use Lumerical FDTD. Ports are mainly used for waveguide modes.

    • sornakumarrr

      Thank you, i will follow your instruction

    • sornakumarrr

      Could you please explain how to combine the S11 parameters of TE and TM modes to determine the CP S11 parameter?

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee


      This is more of math/physics questions. Suppose you use Ex,Ey as sources respectively, you get Sx and Sy. If you use Ex+jEy as the circular polarization, the result will be Sx+jSy. Please verify.

      You may need to normalize the result with sqrt(2)/2.



    • sornakumarrr

      Thanks for the suggestion

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