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How to apply Compression-only Support?

    • M210098


      I am currently studying on the various supports to apply for structural analysis. May I clarify on how we can use a compression-only support to model a rigid pin in a hole? Also, may I ask that you shared more on how we can apply compression-only support? Thank you.


    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee


      Compression only support works by creating a frictionless contact with a rigid surface. This rigid surface is not modelled geometrically. 
      So, the surface scoped for compression only support can be assumed to be in a frictionless contact with a rigid body. It can slide and separate, but not go through the rigid surface.

      If you select the walls of the hole for this support, it will be modelled as if a rigid pin with zero tolerance is inserted inside the hole.

      More information on compression-only support can be found in the following links: Compression Only Support
      Structural Boundary Conditions | Ansys Innovation Courses
      compression only and bearing support

      I hope this helps.

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    • M210098


      If that is the case, is there a need to also apply frictionless contact? Or we can just apply one? As they both have the same function. 

    • harshvardhan.negi
      Ansys Employee

      To apply frictional contact, you will need 2 bodies that will come in contact. Compression only support can be applied with only one body.
      In this case, you don't need to apply frictionless contact if you are applying compression only support.

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    • M210098


      Thank you for the clarification.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      Just to add we have a whole free course on contacts:

      Hope this helps


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