

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

How to add named selections to a suppressed wall in a 2- way FSI

    • Rana Nasser

      Hi everyone!

      In the attached video how could they use named selections for the wall surfaces while the wall was suppressed? 


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      As you can see in the video, NS are created in DM. 




    • José Mantovani

      Make this in the meshing process. 

    • Rana Nasser

      Hi kkanade!

      I have created the NS in the design modeler then I have followed the steps in the video , but the NS of the wall faces didn't appeared in fluent neither in boundary conditions nor in dynamic mesh zones! 

      I need to know how to make them active in fluent while the wall is suppressed to be able to complete the model solution, is there any insights? 

      An archive of my model is attached, could you please have a look to see if there is any mistakes that leaded to this problem?   


    • Rana Nasser

      Hi Jose!

      I can't make this in the fluent meshing process because the wall is suppressed at this step. I named them in the design modeler ,but after suppressing the wall in the fluent meshing step they also become suppressed. Then when I get into fluent solver they did't appeared as I said before.


    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Please hide solid part and give named selection to faces connected to fluid part. 



    • Rana Nasser

      Hi Keyur!

      Thank so much for your attention and your time.

      I think I need to be more definite, my question is how can I make a NS for faces such like the wall bottom face which is not connected to the fluid while the wall is suppressed as required in this type of analysis?

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Please select solid part. Right click and select hide. 

      Now you will have only fluid in the graphics. Please give NS to fluid faces as seen in images below. You can see that no named selection is given to solid. 



    • Rana Nasser

      Could you please highlight the wall faces that are used in this model?

      Thank you so much!!

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee

      Highlighted are top and side. You can easily understand the rest of named selection. 



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