Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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How to access the ANSYS Online Help v19.2

    • arayaolg


      working on Ansys mechanical the help topic send me to the ANSYS Customer Portal login shown below:       


      there is solution in a different post for the 19.1 but apparently does not work for the 19.2 version

      could someone tell me how to access at the command reference page


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That's actually where the documentation is, but the Help guide bypasses log in and restricts access to just documentation. IT have been fixing things, so please try again today.  Are you using ANSYS Student or via a University computer?  

    • arayaolg

      I have tried both ways, first via a university computer, and also tried  in the academic version on my personal laptop


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It's still there, but I access using my password.  The documentation is pretty much the same for R19.1 & R19.2 so use the earlier version. I'd suggest downloading 2019R2 too. 

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