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How do I find out the correct trajectory of air particles.

    • Alexandru Banica

      I constructed a model in Solidworks for a filtre that filtres microparticles found in the air  - the model is very basic at this stage-. I am using Fluid flow Fluent. The simmulation seems to be showing me something, but my problem is that not all the air that enters the inlets come out of the outlets - see attached picture. My question is how can I setup the simmulation so it shows me the exact trajectory of the air that comes inside the filtre.

      I am a total begginer at using ANSYS, even if you can reffer me to some learning materials it would be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      To understand the trajectory of air inside the filter, you can use the pathline visualization in ANSYS Fluent. pathlines are a great way to visualize the path that a fluid element will take through the domain.

      Please check Ansys video:

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