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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

How do I change the smoothing length of SPH Meshing in Ansys work bench ?

    • vamsijc7

      I am not able to find the right options to change the smoothing length constant as a beginner. Do help me out.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      If you insert a Section object from the LSDYNA Pre tab and scope the section to a particle body, the SPH Controls section appears in the Details panel and includes 3 parameters as shown in the figure below:
      regards Amaniyar

    • vamsijc7
      How to insert a Section object from the LSDYNA Pre tab ?
      Can you please elucidate with some pictures or sentences ?

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Step 1: First click on LS-dyna in tree, then you will see LSDYNA Pre tab.
      Step 2: Click on LSDYNA Pre, then click on Part in ribbon area.
      Step 3: Under PART you will find section option. Click on it to insert section.
      Step 4: Under details of section, you will see SPH controls.

      regards Amaniyar
    • vamsijc7
      I want to change the smoothing length constant of SPH meshing in Autodyn solver instead of LS-Dyna.
      I adopted this to validate a research paper, where they mentioned that they used ANSYS Autodyn solver and gave a smoothing length of 0.5 mm.
      Could you please help me out ?
    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      You can use it with Ansys Autodyne solver. Transfer the model to Autodyne system(as shown in image)
      Now, under Parts>SPH part>solver setting>solution you can get the options for smoothing length.
      I have also attached the Ansys help link for your help.

      Regards amaniyar
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