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How can the load in AQWA be transferred to APDL?

    • 2020221038

      The aerodynamic and hydrodynamic loads calculated by aqwa are based on the center of gravity. How can this load be transferred to APDL and turned into a load based on the structure as a whole? For example, pressure loads, concentrated forces, accelerations, etc.

    • Yu Bi
      Ansys Employee

      The Hydrodynamic Pressure Add-on can help map the hydrodynamic pressure into the Static Structural model. More information can be found in the Aqwa User's manual section 8.1. https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/public/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/wb_aqwa/aqwa_extensions_hydro_pressure.html

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