

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

How can I reduce the skewness ratio in this part-geometry?

    • uditkumar007

      When the pipe and fracture zone are not in part the skewness ratio is very good i.e 0.02 . But whenever I try to make the two bodies a part the skewness ratio goes up to 1(max). Why is this happening?

      And when I make the two bodies a part the edges of the fracture zone gets imprinted on the pipe. Is there any solution for this? I have used Multizone hexahedral mesh and with uniform free mesh type and hexa dominant.

      I need the two bodies as a part for the fluid to flow inside the fracture zone. Or is there any for the fluid to flow inside the pipe without making the two bodies a part?

      Is there any way to reduce to skewness ratio? I need a structured mesh for the two bodies.

      I have attached some the screen-shot of the skewnesss ratio when the bodies are in part and when they aren't.

    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      When you have a multibody part, it DM or SpaceClaim uses share topology and will give you imprints on different connected faces. nPlease have a look at nnAlso please check multi body part description in the help manual. nRegards,nKeyurnGuidelines for Posting on Ansys Learning ForumnHow to access ANSYS help linksnn
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