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How can I export convective heat flux and heat transfer coefficient values? ​


    • email.vutuankhanh

      Hello everyone,
      I am using Ansys Polyflow to simulate a problem of impinging jet into a plane with a constant heat flux. Since the fluid is non-Newtonian, I am using Polyflow to solve the problem. I see that Polyflow does not mention how to export the convective heat flux or the heat transfer coefficient to calculate the dimensionless number Nu. How can I export those values ​​and is there a way to calculate Nu directly in Polyflow or CFD-Post?

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, you can still use Fluent for modeling non-Newtonian flows and capture the thermal boundary layer well. Polyflow is recommended for highly viscous non-Newtonian flows. If you think you can capture the thermal boundary layer sufficiently well, you can proceed I think. 

      You can create a sub-task with convective heat or heat fluxes 'postprocessor' to write the values and post-process it in cfd-post. You can then create expressions to calculate Nu values in post. 

      • email.vutuankhanh

        Thanks for your reply,
        I want to calculate the Nu number for the forced convection case, which seems to be about heat conduction in the "postprocessor" section of the heat flux (use Fourier's law instead of Newton's law) and convective heat exchange in Polyflow software. Is there any information that I can use to export the dimensionless Nu number for forced convection?

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