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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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How can I aplly pretension to a shell element


      Hi, I have two components, one solid type and one shell type. The shell type I want to make a pretension and to lengthen it I want that the extreme nodes are linked with the nodes that it had in relation in the instant 0 with the solid, so that later when it wants to return to its initial position it moves everything making like a compression. Then I want to apply a vertical force over the solid and see how this Sheel type will react.
      I have tried to create one step (LSWRITE,1) with the pretension and another step (LSWRITE,2) with the applied force. But from there I don't know how to join those nodes.
      How could I do it?
      PD: I am using Ansys Mechanical APDL

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      See the inistate command - there are examples that apply pre-stress on shells in the apdl help manual.

      Hope this helps.

      All the best


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