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How can Flux density be measured in Maxwell 3D?

    • elecyang


      I need help with the following three points:

      1. I want to check the Flux Density values at different coordinates (x, y, z).
      2. I want to find the location of the Peak Flux Density on a sheet (plane) and determine its value.
      3. I want to find the location of the Peak Flux Density in the core (volume) and determine its value.


    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      For Q1:

      If you just would like to get the vector value of a certain point at (x,y,z), you can draw a point there, and create expressions for Bx, By, Bz in field calculator. Then you can right click results>>create field report, select the point, and plot the expression.

      If you would like convert the B vector to a relative coordinate system

      1.go to field calculator

      2.choose quantity>>B

      3.Geometry>>Coord, chose your relative coord

      4. Under the Vector, choose Unit Vec>>CoordSys(X)

      5. Choose Dot. The dot product is your X component of B in this relative CS. Save the expression.

      You can do the same for Y and Z components and save them. After that you can plot them: right click results>>create field report, select the point, and plot the expression.


    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee

      For Q2:

      1. In field calculator, copy Mag_B to stack
      2. geometry>>Surface, choose your plane
      3. Choose "Value" under Output
      4. Choose "Max" under Scalar>>Value
      5. Choose "Eval" under Output. Field calculator will display the Max value.
    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee

      For Q3:

      1. In field calculator, copy Mag_B to stack
      2. geometry>>Volumn, choose your core
      3. Choose "Value" under Output
      4. Choose "Max" under Scalar>>Value
      5. Choose "Eval" under Output. Field calculator will display the Max value.


    • elecyang

      Thank you for your help. It was very helpful to me.

      Have a good day!

    • e.jankes


      I have probably similar question.

      I am simulating a system with magnets and two coils. I am able to create the Mag_B more or less anywhere I want.

      But, how can I get Normal B field (Bx) and Tangential B field (Bz) at for instance Global XZ or Global YZ? I have these data/results from the 2D FEMM software. But I would like to get something similar from 3D model in Ansys Electronic student.

      Thank you 


      • GLUO
        Ansys Employee


        Please right click field overlay>>field calculator>>Quantity>>B>>Scal?>>ScalarX>>Add  to save the expression for Bx. Then it is listed in named expression for field overlay plot and field reports. If the solver is eddy current, you will need copy Bx to stack>>Complex to choose one of the value for the phasor.


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