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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

High Temperatures in Jacketed Tank

    • tjhidalgo


      I am trying to simulate a jacketed mixing tank at cold temperatures. I am not sure as to why the solved temperatures of the inside tank appear to be so high. It is probably the way I have the simulation set up but I am not sure. Please help! Any ideas are much appreciated.

      Also I am not familiar with what 'Convection (default)' exactly referring to.


    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator


      From the description and image it looks like the problem is with capturing the details inside. Are their any blades or rotating solid in the mixing jacket? If that's the case you will need to make sure the detials are captured correctly to get correct results. 

      You can refer this https://innovationspace.ansys.com/courses/courses/conjugate-heat-transfer/lessons/meshing-in-explore-lesson-3/ to learn hot to mesh in Explore. Conjugate Heat Transfer Using Ansys Discovery Software | Ansys Courses

      For default convection condition, Discovery will create this condition as a fluid in contact with those faces where the convective heat flow with surrounding fluid. 



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