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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

hi i want to simulate a nonlinear spring (barrel and hourglass)

    • Noura Mansour

      i want to get nonlinear graph between force and displacement I tried but the spring at small forces get graph linear between force and displacement and when i increase the force the spring make deflection in axis prependicular to axis of compression that cause error

    • peteroznewman

      It would help us understand your model if you include some images in your reply.  An example of a nonlinear spring is a conical spring (like the spring under the negative terminal of a battery compartment) where the coils build up on the base platform as the spring is compressed.  You need to define contact between the spring and the base and turn on Large Deflection to see the nonlinear spring force.

      • Noura Mansour

      • Noura Mansour

        can i know type of contact .. and i insert contact between spring and bas or contact between coils of spring also 

    • peteroznewman

      Use Frictional Contact.  You will need to define self-contact between the spring and itself as well as the spring and the base.

      • Noura Mansour

        What are you meaning by spring and itself

    • peteroznewman

      In the Contact defininition, you must select one or more faces for the Contact side and one or more faces for the Target side of the contact.

      Select the same face(s) for both.  That is self-contact.

      • Noura Mansour

        sorry but when i made a frictional contact this error occured

    • peteroznewman

      Looks like your mesh is not connected. In SpaceClaim, on the Workbench tab, use the Share button.

      • Noura Mansour

        sorry how can i do it ?
        i use anys workbench 2023 R1

      • Noura Mansour

        can you tell me how can i fix this problem?

        • peteroznewman

          Here is a long list of Google Search results for the term "unable to converge"

          Please read most of these discussions for guidance on how to fix this problem.

        • Noura Mansour

    • peteroznewman

      In Workbench, right click on the Geometry cell and Edit in SpaceClaim. In SpaceClaim, on the Repair tab click the Extra Edges button then the green check. Click the Extra Points button also. On the Workbench tab click the Share button then the green check. Close SC. Open the Model. You may need to reselect some faces to repair lost scoping.

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