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HFSS parameter formulas suddenly disappear


    • weixinlu

      Hi, when we were working on HFSS design, we define dimensions using formulas dependent on other paramters so we can easily change the design. However, our formulas are suddenly gone and turned into values. Could you help look into this problem?




    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      HI, Weixinlu, 


      From what you pasted here we can tell they are two different projects and design names are different too. Are you sure you are looking at the right design?



      Best regards

    • weixinlu

      Yes, because after we lost the formulas, we have to go back to the backup file. We experience this issue (parameters suddenly change from formulas to values) several times when we use pyEPR.

    • weixinlu

      I am wondering if there's some features of Ansys which derives all parameters' formulas to value triggered by hidden api / shortcut key? Thx

    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      Do you see the same when you do it manually instead of PyEPR?

    • weixinlu

      We don't see the issue so far when we only do analysis manually without PyEPR.

    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      PyEPR is a third-party software that we do not support. You can post a bug on their github page: GitHub - zlatko-minev/pyEPR: Powerful, automated analysis and design of quantum microwave chips & devices [Energy-Participation Ratio and more]

      Hope that will help.

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