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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

HFSS Incident Plane Wave excitement mode

    • Artek.Chalifour

      Hi all! I'm trying to find info on the incident plane wave excitement node and am coming up short. Specifically, I am looking at the difference between the total vs scattered option in the Incident Field Formulation option.

      Snap shot of the tree branch to get to the options

      For example, why does the former allow an Infinite Ground Plane in the geometry where the latter does not? And why does the field look so different for each? (mag_E plotted in second pic at 45 degrees for incident field only of each case)

      mag_E plot of incident wave only at 45 degrees for total option (left) and scattered option (right)

    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      Incident+Scattered = Total

      That's why if expected Total=0, Scattered should be opposite to Incident

      You can more information about this in the online help:

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