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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

HFSS 3D Component Intersection Issues

    • pcote


      How do you subtract an imported HFSS 3D component from an already placed part?

      I designed a probe and exported it using "Create 3D Component..." Then I placed the 3D component in a new design and it intersects with the waveguide I am trying to probe. When I try to subtract the probe from the waveguide solids the "Subtract" option is not available.



    • Uros Mavric

      are there any comments related to this issue? having the same problem.

      inserted a .a3dcomp (encrypted settings). it is a connector which parts go into holes of a PCB. I tried to subtract the component chape from the PCB but the subtract option doesnt work. I also tried to draw a shape along the intruded pieces into the PCB and sutract those. the subtraction works (I get holes into the PCB which fit to the pieces of the connector). However the solver still copmplains about intercepts.

      Thank you for your help.




      Thank you for your help.

    • Vignesh Radhakrishnan


      have you had any luck with this ? I am trying to place a 3d component of my antenna on a human model and subtract is from the skin but get a warning stating that subtraction is not feasible and then an error regarding intersection.




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