General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Heterogeneous Surface Reaction: Chemkin Error

    • sudeepns.197me025

      Hello Ansys Community, 

      I am trying to simulate the Steam methane reforming reaction in Ansys chemkin. 

      I have developed 
      1. gas phase reaction files
      2. surface reaction files
      3. Thermodynamic data files
      4. transport data file. 

      This is a heterogeneous reaction. 

      The above files successfully get imported to chemkin, but while running the simulation, I am getting the following error. 

      kindly help me resolve the issue. 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      You have posted in the mechanical/structures forum.


      I suggest to post it in the fluids forum (see link below) where it is more likely that a forum member might be able to advise.

      All the best



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