

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Heterogeneous Reactions

    • sjohn

      I have a case with Multiphase (VOF) and Species physics enabled. In the Specie Model, Species Transport and Voumetric Reactions are enabled. Phase properties are provided using chemkin-import. Finite-Rate/No TCI is checked under Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction. A thremodynamics databse file has been uploaded.

      In the Multiphase Model window, under Phase Interaction, there is a form to provide information on heterogeneous reaction. Under the Reaction Rate Function option, I only see two options - none or user defined. I don't see option for arrhenius-rate. How can I get that option?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Odd, I've got none and Arrhenius as options. That's with granular on or off for the second phase. 

      • sjohn

        Granular is off. 

        I am modeling a reaction where in two species react exothermically  in liquid phase to form gaseous species. 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If they react in the liquid phase to form a gas why are the reactants from different phases? 

    • sjohn

      They are not. Figure 26 is from the manual.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you post a screen grab of what you're seeing?

    • sjohn

      I described the settings in my first post. Here are the screenshots.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, I had the option, didn't and now do. I wonder if the number of species involved or "something" has messed with the GUI panel. Can you check the TUI command 

      /define/phases/set-domain-properties/interaction-domain/heat-mass-reactions react , yes

      And just accept everything but the Arrhenius setting. 


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