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Help with Parameter Sets

    • sonny cain

      Hi all, 

      I'm trying to run a simulation for an aerfoil with increasig surface roughness on the leading edge. However, to save myself the time of manually chaning the surface roughness per simulation I have set up a parameter set which you can see in the image. The issue is, that the values I get from running the parameter set are incorrect and far different to the values I get from running the simulation with a different manually changed surface roughness, any ideas? 

      The lift should decrease and drag increase as surface roughness is increased, however this is clearly not the case for my parameter set.


    • Hemant Gurav
      Ansys Employee




      If you manually alter the roughness and obtain different results, and if the parametric method delivers different results from the manual approach then please make sure if your parameters are defined correctly. If you can, share the screenshots of how you set up the input and output parameters.

      Please follow this links to get more information : Working with Parameters and Design Points (ansys.com) and  Performing Parametric Studies (ansys.com)


      If you are not able to access the link, refer to this forum discussion: How to access the ANSYS Online Help




      • sonny cain


        I am wanting to increase surface roughness from 0.0001m to 0.001m and analyse the lift and drag coefficient for each Surface Roughness. I set up a Boundary Condition on the edge which the surface roughness must change, right clicked and set this as an input parameter then chose Lift and Drag as my output parameters. 

        If I leave it to run, the first parameter provides a correct value, but then it gives the same lift and drag value for each surface roughness after that which is incorrect. 

        My thoughts are because the lift and drag is from a plot which must converge, the plot isnt being reset between changing the surface roughness which is causing the same lift and drag coefficient.

        • Federico
          Ansys Employee

          Try disabling the convergence check, run each condition with a set number of iterations, and see if your drag and lift change.

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