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Help me to solve this error “NS_nuderiv is not a valid function”.

    • d11943014

      Hi, I want to find out the frequency response of the photodetector through impulse response from the step response and then perform a Fast Fourier transform (FFT). Here, I use the "vpd_3dB_bandwidth.isf" file from the "Vertical photodetector" example. 

      There is an error comes: "Error: D:/Ansys/NFET/nanosheet script/vpd_3dB_bandwidth.lsf line 16: NS_nuderiv is not a valid function or variable name"

      Can you please help me to solve that problem?

    • Amrita Pati
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Avishek,

      Thanks for sharing the article details. I had a look at the vpd_3dB_bandwidth.lsf script file. Line 16 has the name "vpd_nuderiv;" This is a function which is already present in the same directory and we are calling it from vpd_3dB_bandwidth.lsf  script. But the function name in Line 16 in your screenshot has a different name, as a result you see this error. I will recommend changing the name to the original name.


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