Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Help Getting Started With Ansys Software

    • Nate K.

      I am new to Ansys. I am here through and for my university and will be using Fluent. I have downloaded it but seem to have some errors with the licensing. I just read where student software does not need licensing. However, I thought my school had a paid license so downloaded Fluent and tried that route. But now I am wondering if, perhaps, I am supposed to be using the free student version.

      Are there any Ansys staff here that can look up my account and let me know services I am to use? Or anyone else know any related info that would help me? 

      Would greatly appreciae any info.

      Thanks, Nate 

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee


      Hello Nate,

      What is the University name?


    • Nate K.

      My university is Saint Martin's University. 


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